Mistakes I’ve Made So You Don’t Have To

We’ve all made mistakes when it comes to our fitness and nutrition – and believe me when I say, I've made plenty over the years 🤦🏼‍♀️

 List all the classic mistakes, and you can bet I’ll have fallen victim to the majority of them at some point 🤡🙈

Had I realised earlier where I was going wrong, I’d have got to where I am now a lot faster.

But, every experience is a learning opportunity, and the mistakes I’ve made in the past mean I can now help others not make the same mistakes I did.

Here’s a few that made it onto the shortlist:

1. Going cardio crazy and expecting my body shape to change 🏃‍♀️

2. Not lifting heavy 🏋🏼‍♂️

3. Not following a structured training plan 🗓

4. Doing 100000 crunches, cause abs

5. Thinking more is better

6. Not eating enough protein

7. Fearing carbs 😭 #teamcarbs🥖🥐

8. Buying into diet/weight loss products ☕️ (that’s a #mug fyi)

9. Trying (and for the most part, failing) to lose weight via a multitude of stupid means - death by cardio, the cuppa soup diet, veg only, no carbs, and just trying not to eat at all (probably lasted <4hrs) 🤦🏼‍♀️

10. Focusing too much on the number of calories burned per training sessions rather than my fitness & strength 💪🏼

11. Setting unrealistic and unhealthy body expectations based on influencers, social media, trash mags, and VS models ✋🏻⛔️

12. Overlooking the basics – eat well, train hard, recover smart, have fun! 💃

13. Not asking for help or investing in a coach

Ask a professional or someone with expertise in that area for coaching, mentoring, or just some help. Find someone who is already where you want to be and ask them for help - they'll be able to tell you how they got there, and what mistakes they made along the way to make sure you can avoid them.

Other people have made mistakes in their fitness journey so you don’t have to.

If you'd like any help with your fitness or nutrition, please get in touch and let's chat:

@hannahburnsfitness on Instagram

Email: hannahburnsfitness@hotmail.com


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