5 Tips For More Mindful Eating

Simply put - mindful eating is eating with more awareness.

Not to be confused with ‘intuitive eating’, mindful eating is more about how you eat, as opposed to what.

So, it doesn’t matter if you’re Team IIFYM (if it fits your macros), Team Intuitive Eating, or anywhere in between - everyone can do it.

Mindful eating might sound like some airy-fairy BS. But it’s genuine #science.

Evidence based research has shown that practicing more mindful eating has a huge number of benefits.

We live in a world full of distractions and are surrounded by hyper-palatable, calorie dense foods 24/7. Making it easy to over-eat, eat too quickly, or eat when distracted. Mindful eating practices are a useful tool for weight loss/management, but there are lots of other benefits. These include:

  • Reducing likeliness of overeating

  • Improving digestion

  • To better manage cravings and emotional eating

  • Making better food choices

  • Feeling more satisfied

So, whether your goals are weight loss, overall healthy and wellbeing, or just to get more joy from food, implementing some mindful eating habits to your daily routine can help you get there.

5 Tips To Eat More Mindfully:

1. Switch off the tech 📱

Switch off the tech and eat undistracted. TV’s, laptops, phones… switch it all off! Even better, put it in a different room when you are eating.

2. Slow down 🧭

Chew your food, don’t inhale it. Eating too quickly can lead to over eating and isn’t great for our digestion either. Slow down, enjoy each mouthful, and take the time to notice your food as you’re eating it. A tip for the speed eaters out there - put your cutlery down between mouthfuls.

3. Eat meals at the table 🍔

Eat your meals at the table, not: on the sofa, in front of the TV, behind your laptop, or with you plate on your lap. This feeds back into the idea of eating undistracted.

4. Eat off a plate 🍽

Eat off a plate, not straight from the fridge/cupboard (that include snacks!). Eating Ben & Jerry’s straight from the tub = goodbye full tub. It might sound simple, but this will really help bring some awareness to portion size, especially with snacks and those family bags of Maltesers and Pringles.

5. Notice your food 🤤

The smell, taste, texture, etc. Take time to enjoy it. How often do you eat a meal so quickly or so distracted that afterwards you can hardly even remember eating it? This often leads to you feeling unsatisfied and wanting more? By slowing down and taking your time to notice your food you will increase satiety and satisfaction.

For more help on nutrition or training, drop me a message or send an enquiry form today.

For more content on all things training & nutrition makes sure to follow @hannahburnsfitness on Instagram


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